
Implantation bleeding the day AF is due??

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Hi everyone,

Is it possible to have implantation bleeding the day AF is due? Or would that most likely be AF??

See, for the past week or so I've been having mild cramping (a constant cramping) and I never cramp leading up to AF.. I only get SEVERE cramps on the exact day of AF.

So anyway, when I wiped today there was light blood (sorry TMI, but I know everyone seems to be really helpful & undertanding here) so I put a tampon in, and later when I took it out, there was barely anything on it either. Now normally, on the day of AF, it is HEAVY bleeding and severe cramps right away! I have no AF type cramps yet, and only light bleeding. But today IS the day that I was expecting AF, if it is that.

Just wondering as well because I am supposed to start a birth control pill on the first day of AF, to regulate my periods and stuff (possibly have endo) but i don't want to take the pill if it could actually be implantation!

Thanks ahead of time for all your answers!




  1. My husband and I have been TTC for 3+ years. The SAME thing happened to me last month. I kept putting tampons in ALL day because I have NEVER spotted. (Not even once in my whole life!!) I was positive it was our month. I took a HPT and it said negative and the next day AF came. It was very abnormal. The first day of AF is always the heaviest too. So I am going to wait a week (if I can, I am 8 dpo now) and hopefully we will get our BFP!! One of my friends had periods through her whole pregnancy, so I know that can happen, and it's not just something I read on the internet. (I know her personally!!) I would NOT start the pill until you start a regular flowing AF. You very well could be pregnant. I hope you get the outcome you are hoping for! and wish me luck! Please...We need it!

  2. Get a test! It is possible but not probable.  I never bled but that doesn't mean you won't.  Good luck!

  3. It could be implantation.  You can wait to see if AF is going to  come or you can test today.  Good luck and lots of prayers and baby dust to you.

  4. hi im not sure if it is impla bleed, does sound like the begining of your period just abit slow coming, i would do a test and if its negative then ask for a blood test to be on the safe side

  5. Yes you can get implantation around the time your period is due. And a test would not show positive until after the implantation has occurred. Implantation bleeding can last 2-3 days, and it is usually light bleeding/spotting.  

  6. It could be Implantation bleeding if you ovulated later than normal, but it could very easily be AF I had a similar experience and it turned out to be AF. Either way wait a week, if you haven't gotten your period take a test.  

  7. It could be, does the blood look a different color? I have heard implantation bleeding is light pink, sometimes orangey. I would take a test!

  8. it can happen.....take a test to see if u are pregnant or wait a few days to see if u have a period.

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