
Implantation bleeding vs other things??

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First off I have premature ovarian failure or premature ovarian insufficiency (in other words I don't regularly ovulate or get periods on my own; although it's possible to ovulate and the odds of ever getting pregnant with this condition are about 10%). It's been a couple weeks since I ended my last induced period. The other day after using the restroom there was a little brownish red stringy thing and I had some light brown stuff on the tissue paper. The light brown stuff happened again the second time I used the restroom also. I've heard of implantation bleeding but I don't really know what that would be and I don't have the highest hopes with my odds. Is it possible this is just old blood/period that has taken it's time to come out?? or are there other possibilities??

Suggesting an hpt if I miss a period isn't entirely helpful as I take hormones usually to do that. I'm slightly worried if I take them and this is anything that it'll s***w it I'm going to put off taking the progesterone (starter) for a couple weeks at least. Thanks :)




  1. Before you take the progesterone, you should get a blood test to confirm you are not pregnant.  From what I know, implantation bleeding is usually a light pink and very faint.  

    When I was pregnant with my son, I experienced spotting (brown and dark red) when I was 5 weeks pregnant.

    Good luck to you.

  2. I'm so sorry about your condition. That must be so heartbreaking, and frustrating. It could have been breakthrough bleeding, which as you said is old left over blood breaking through for whatever reason. Implantation bleeding is when the fertilized egg burrows itself into the uterine lining, and is normally brown or pink in color. It does sometimes look like a bloody discharge. It sounds like what you've described. I would mention this to your Dr. and get his opinion, and see what he has to say. You never know, anything is possible! Miracles happen everyday. I wish you nothing but the best, and here's all the luck and baby dust in the world for you!  

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