
Implatation cramps or just my period coming???

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Hi girlies

I have been ttc for a few months now, and am prob starting to anoy you with all my questions but here is another one:

My cycle has been a bit irregular since my miscarriage in Feb, but generally my shortest cycle is 30 days and my longest 38 with my average being 33/34 days.

I think I ovulated last week around sun/mon time, and have tried to do the 'deed' as much around my fertile time.

For the last few days i have had fatigue, backache, acne (which i never get), constipation and cramps, which have got a lot worse today. I feel quite heavy down below, if you know what I mean and my cramps are quite painful like they are when my period is due. Im very irritable and moody also.

Could these be symptoms or do you think my period is coming? I did a hpt test last night and it was negative, but kinda hoping it was to early to test as im not expecting my period until next week!

Im sorry for going on but would just like to know your thoughts!

Thanks girlies for listening to me ramble!





  1. heya hun,

    1st- dont say ur annoying us thats what we are here 4, iv found alot of support on here and learnt so many new things that its no wonder i didnt get pregnant

    it could be implantation cramps, although these are are. and as for the symptoms when im in my 2ww i over analyze everything so just be carefull.

    but, it is 2 early 2 test and if u have BD alot around that time i see no reason why u ***** be pregnant.take a test the day your AF is due, or a day b4 i you cant

    i hope you are and i wish you all the best.

    gd luck chick keep us informed.

  2. hi my cycle varied from 32 to 41 days and i had cramps around day 38 so thought period was coming but it was actually implantation cramps as i am now 6 weeks pregnant, we were ttc for 10 months so good luck!!  

  3. If your period isn't due for another week then you could be. I'd try and wait it out until 14 days after you think you ovulated to give any hcg chance to be in your system and give you, hopefully your positive. Good luck, baby dust to you :) x

  4. i really dont mean to put a dampener on your experiences. I had all of these symptoms last month and convinced myself this was it and it wasnt. I was really shocked and upset. Please dont just convince yourselff that you are pregnant it is painful when you find out you arent.

  5. Be patient and wait till you missed your period. I know is really hard but it more accurate.. Good Luck

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