
Implications of nursing hubby?

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I've weaned my second, but in the process, my husband has

acquired a penchant for breast milk - and it does bring us

closer together.

So - does anyone know the implications of this? (I'm sure

there are lots out there going "ewww gross..." but WHY?

Other than visceral negative reaction, does anyone know

what problems there will be? Medical? Psychological?)




  1. Can't think of any problems, heard of this many times. Just make sure baby gets first dibs!

  2. Breast milk won't do him any harm,it's full of antibodies,it's the original pro biotic milk drink,and its good for intestinal health (you can pay a fortune for cows milk colostrum capsules at health food stores to help boost your immunity and aid gut health )

    For you the longer you lactate the less risk you are at for breast cancer and osteoporosis in later life-so you both are winners.

    As for the rest,hey who cares what you do in your relationship,it's your love ,your life and no one  else's business ,it's a dam sight  healthier than being married to a man who is sado m*******t.

    It's not that unusual either, try reading "Fresh Milk -the secret life of b*****s" by Fiona Giles ISBN 0743211472

  3. physically you will continue to far as everything else, to each their own.  

  4. You definitely get a star for the most unusual question of the day.

    Anyway, as to medical implications. There is certainly nothing wrong with breast feeding (hubby or otherwise) for an indefinite period of time. That's what wet nurses are after all... just women who have kept their breast milk flowing to breast feed (or provide breast milk) for "usually" other babies. So it's safe for you.

    As to your husband, breast milk is actually easier to digest than cow's milk... after all that's what we were "designed" to drink. I'll only make a guess as to any psychological issues. I mean, men suck on women's b*****s anyway... even when they aren't getting any milk... so while unusual, I'd say just have fun with it. But he may have to move over if you get another baby.

  5. My husband told me that when I start producing milk he wants to taste it....but, I just can't bring myself to let him do that. God intended women to make breast milk for our babies...not husbands. But, whatever floats your boat, not here to judge anyone. I don't see what nutriton he would be recieving from it because he eats food.  

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