
Importance of bonemarrow in adult?

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what are the consequence of distruction of the bone marrow? how will you treat an individual who lacks a functional bone marrow?




  1. whether it is adults or children it is very important and for recycling of cells and calcification, this marrow is as anything else. marrow transplant done by super speciality hospitals


  2. Bone marrow is found in the hollow centre of our long bones, and where new blood cells are made. Without marrow our bodies would be unable to produce the white cells we need to fight infection, the red blood cells carry oxygen and the platelets we need to stop bleeding.

    Leukaemia (cancer) is a disease of the bone marrow, sometimes it is necessary to destroy the patient’s diseased bone marrow and replace it with a transplant from a healthy compatible person.

    Defective immune systems is an inadequately functioning immune system, blood transfusions helps, but in severe cases a bone marrow transplant is needed.

    Aplastic anaemia is where the body stops making blood for a variety of reasons. Blood transfusions can help, but severely affected patients will die unless normal bone marrow is transplanted.

    So a patient with poor or diseased bone marrow may need either a blood transfusion or bone transplant, dependent on the type of condition.

  3. bone marrow is important for rbc & wbc production... and naturally destruction of marrow will hamper cell production i dont exactly know but you can treat the individual by supplying blood externally  

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