
Importance of indian business enviornment?

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defination nd importance of indian business enviornment




  1. It is important because India has a very large population. Estimates are 1.13 Billion.

    India is bounded by the Indian Ocean to the south, the Arabian Sea to the west, and the Bay of Bengal to the east. India is also very close to China, which as you probably know, is not the manufacturer to the world.

    The up and coming middle class is --the entire population of the United States. That gives Fortune 500 businesses a global opportunity! There is still a tremendous amount of poverty in India, but hopefully, they will be able to offset that with new business ventures.

    India is also experimenting with ziggurat of sorts. With malls on the bottom floors, and residences on the upper floors. Much like Japan, which has a large population, and not a great deal of space, it gives the rentals a very convenient floor plan.

    Elizabeth L. Strauch, MBA

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