
Important, I was down at my lake, and there is alot of snakes roaming around from rat snakes to water moccasin

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water moccasins and i came back to my house with a pain in my lower foot, and i looked and had two holes about an inch apart on my foot now, my foot is tingling and throbbing, could i have got snake bit when i was busy doing something else? I am confusedd@




  1. I Reccomend you clean out that injury as soon as possible as the snakes to describe I here are venomous, Wrap something around it and call 911 Emergency!

  2. You might want to go to the hospital/doctor and get it checked out. You are going to need anti-venom if you did get bit.

  3. Tingling and throbbing are not very specific signs. Is it swelling? Red? Hot to the touch? Those would be solid signs of envenomation.

    A lot of snakes can bite, and a lot of things can leave wounds. And a lot of people et bit without knowing it.

    If it is not hot and swollen, and not causing any real pain, I would be curious but not real worried. Try to contact a good doctor in your area who knows about snakebite (many do not), and/or call the Poison Control Hotline at 1-800-222-1222.

    If it IS hot and swollen, or spreading, or causing more pain, bleeding, numbness, etc.- get to the ER ASAP.

  4. You should get to a doctor and ask him/her this question.  If you were bitten by a cotton mouth water moccasin, you need anti-venom.  This is not a question to ask on Y! need to consult with a physician.

  5. How far is your house from the lake?  How long ago did the alleged bite occur?  How long before you sat down and powered up the computer to load Answers?

    Tingling and throbbing doesn't sound the like symptoms of a moccasin bite.  The bite would be painful.  The area of puncture would be swelling and even discoloring.  You would be feeling the effect beyond your foot.  The venom would be traveling in your blood stream, and spreading.

    But, if you have two punctures an inch apart of equal size, and you are feeling anything funny at all; you need to get immediate medical attention.

    So, get off the computer, and call 911.

    I hope this has been helpful.

  6. Not to sound mean, but how could you NOT tell if a snake bit you? You would physically see the snake, and see it bite you...

  7. There is a possibility that you could have been bitten, but in this case I highly doubt it.

    Snakes typically give a warning before biting - like hissing or giving a warning strike or the water moccasins rattle their tail like a rattler, chances are you would have seen or heard the snake before it bit you. Plus, directly on the bottom of the foot? I don't think the snake could have somehow managed to go on the bottom of your foot and bite you, it would have bitten your ankle or leg - some place easy to reach.

    But the Water Moccasin is one of the most venomous and deadly snakes in North America. So if you did get bitten, which I really hope you didn't, go to the hospital!

    Hope your foot is better and a bite didn't occur.  

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