
Important Drug Test Tomorrow Need Help?

by Guest67285  |  earlier

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So, I'm meeting my PO for the first time after I plead guilty to a non-drug related charge tomorrow. I'm worried about the drug test. I toked just a little bit on the night of August 9th. I took about 2-3 hits of pretty bad quality stuff. I've been pretty well hydrated and just chugged alot of cranberry juice. Do you think I'll be fine? Should I get p**s from my brother, how would i use it?

I'm a very occasional smoker by the way.




  1. that was not very smart  

  2. Tae some Niacin and drink alot of gatorade and p**s alot.

    Or go and get a detox system those cost around 30 bucks. And the way that a PO tests is in a room with no sink or anything and wow ure bros p**s is going to be ahrd to use unless he doesnt check you

  3. Occasionally, I read a question that just makes me shake my head... like now. You KNEW you were meeting your PO, you KNOW they test, you KNOW it's illegal, regardless of the amount... drug related offense or not, I don't think you learned your lesson, and deserve to be popped over this "pretty bad quality stuff"... as for the "very occasional smoker by the way.".. that actually means frequent, so that means you frequently disregard the Law.

    Now, you want to use your Brothers urine, involving him???? Come on, man up... you knew you were breaking the Law, why take your brother down with you?

    How to use it? Actually, test have shown it is most effective when taken orally, so drink it... you need at least a gallon.

  4. Dont drop the soap on your way back into the big house !

  5. Is it really worth all the trouble to have to degrade yourself with using someone else's p**s?  To the average, law abiding person, that sounds so retarded that people actually act and think like that. I mean, is the high that good? Just don't use drugs and you won't have to worry about any of that.  It seems to most people a very easy decision.  

  6. A great way to get rid of anything in your system is to buy from I have used them in the past and the service is awesome. Family run operation that understands how you feel and how much privacy is a concern. Fantastic place, I can't say enough about it! They have home drug test kits too and they can ship overnight too!

  7. Shouldn't have smoked pot in the first place.

  8. That's less than a week ago.Better hope your not tested.

  9. the drug tests are very sensitive it'll show and cheating does not work cuz the PO goes to the bathroom with you

  10. Should not of smoked huh? but to bad you did. Drink alot of water you will be good.

  11. In the morning take 2 meaning two shots of clear Vinegar and dont eat anything all day until your drug test  

  12. You'll not have the chance to switch urine.  lol  You knew better.  GOOD LUCK on this one!

  13. Weed stays with you -- even from other people -- for up to 20 days. I had a test two weeks ago, and they were extremely careful that I only gave them my own pee. I was impressed at the safeguards they had, without having to watch me.

    Doing something like that when you're first out isn't really the smartest thing you could have done.  C'mon, bro!

  14. My Bro-in-law is the Director of a maximum security jail in Canada. The test they are going to give you would be able to detect several different drugs that may be in your system. That includes even some prescription drugs such as ibupropfen. You can not fool the drug tests. They will detect how much is in your system as well, so even if you didn't toke but were sitting beside a person that was, you were still breathing the air that was full of pot smoke. Yore Busted!!!

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