
Important! Guy question for girls or guys to answer!?

by  |  earlier

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Okay, so there's this boy that I really like and he's one of my best friends and I don't know what to do or if I should tell him or what. The thing is, my mother and his mother have been best friends since high school and we've known each other since we were born. So I don't want to ruin our friendship or anything like that and I was wondering what I should say or do, because I'm pretty sure he likes me back and he's kind of shy...




  1. Im in the same situatuion with this beautiful girl.

  2. try telling him and see what his reaction will be. then if he likes u back  then go for it. but, if he dosen't just stay friends.

  3. Uhm, seriously? Who cares? If you like him, and if he likes you back, you should go for it. Sure it's kinda awkward, but you should tell your parents. I don't think they would have anything against it. K, it would be bad if you broke up with him after a while, because you'll always see him, since your parents are friends, but I think you should go for it. Try it, maybe he's Mr. Right, especially cause you have know him for a while. =)

    Hope that helped!

  4. Just ask him.. Cause he may feel the same..

    But if he doesnt then you can just still stay the same way..

    So Goodluck!

  5. lol kinda the same situation but i dont rly like the guy like that.

    i would say if u kno the relationship is gonna go somewhere

    then go for it. if its gonna fail then dont waste ur time and friendship!

    hope i helped

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