
Important Responsibilities of U.S. Citizens?

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Detailed information on what you believe to be the five most important responsibilities of citizens and why you chose each one.




  1. 1 through 5 and more: fulfilling your duties under the Constitution.

  2. As psyop6 says...stay involved in your community!

    Note to Jashwin S:  we tend to call such places that inculcate your suggestions as the primary virtues "authoritarian".

  3. Paying attention to what our politicians are doing, in order to hold them accountable.

    Actually holding them accountable for their performance by voting.

    Devoting time to a period of service to the nation, whether it be a tour of duty in the armed forces or other agency like VISTA or AmeriCorps.  

    Making genuinely informed decisions on our political leaders/representatives and proposed laws by seeking information from multiple sources, not just what one or two commentators believe.

    Staying involved on behalf the community, as a volunteer in some capacity (Red Cross, Civil Air Patrol, Catholic Charities, etc. to name avery few).

  4. I would like to know the best answer.

    I am an Immigrant

  5. 1.) Obey all federal,state, and local laws

    2.) Pay federal,state, and local income taxes{X (}

    3.) Register with selective service (U.S. Armed Forces),if you are a male between ages 18 and 26.

    4.) Mantain your resident status.

    5.) Carry your identification at all times.

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