
Important Rights of Americans?

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Detailed information on what you believe to be the five most important rights of citizens and why you chose each one. Be sure to include the origin of the rights, examples if possible, and any historical significance to the rights you chose




  1. The Constitution clearly states that people have the right of speech except in the case of defamation of caricature. I believe this is article five.

  2. This is actually a good homework assignment. And actually doing the work yourself would be really beneficial....

  3. You can find all five in the first  and second amendment of our constitution. The last part of the 1st amendment is now before the SCOTUS----and I believe one of, if not the most important--the reason being that it has never been before the SCOTUS before--and that right of the people needs set in concrete.

  4. freedom of speech

    tinker vs. des moines school district

  5. Freedom of Speech

    First Amendment

    Rights of the Accused (Due Process, Double Jeopardy, no cruel and unusual punishment)

    "shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law"

    Amendment 5, 6, 7, 8

    Right to Vote

    12 Amendment

    Historical Significance - Civil War, Civil Rights Movement of 50's and 60's

    Eminent Domain

    5th Amendment

    Though this is thought more as a State's right, eminent domain prevents the government for taking my property without compensation.  "The right of a government to take private property for public use upon payment of its fair market value."  The impact of this has resulted in railroads, highways and etc that would have otherwise never been built.

    Freedom of Slavery

    14th Amendment

    Dred Scott case

  6. See: Bill of Rights.

  7. Don't you think you'd have a better chance of getting us to write your essay for you if you asked for the ONE most important right, and then picked and chose from people's answers?

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