
Important announcement / question about Global warming read if you care about the world?

by  |  earlier

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Global warming is taking it's place, in the tropics, the rain is getting worse each day, it's the summer season yet the rain is flooding streets, making temperatures really cold, just a simple blow of the wind makes it feel like winter, animals are dying because of the dramatic change in weather. Scientists have observed that the i caps are getting smaller fast, the ozone's big hole is getting bigger, the rate of polution causing Global warming has zoomed up, I'm surprised that no new laws are enforced or that it's not being featured, good weather is now scarce, from a hot morning to a winter cold night. By 30 years the tropics will gain their first deserts, and many lands will be flooded, by 50 years Alaska will have the temparature of the tropics, more than half the population will die, 100 years later humatinity could be gone, share what to do, the end may come, SAVE EARTH SAVE HUMANITY please inform other people, this is serious, we should start finding solutions this earl




  1. You say:

    " 50 years Alaska will have the temparature of the tropics, more than half the population will die, 100 years later humatinity could be gone,"


    I think the Thomas Chalko of Nature U makes more sense...

  2. start recycling..only use your car when necessary, grow your own veggies, and try to be frugal!  Simplify your life and help others to do it too.  VOTE !!  Write your politicians and ask what they are doing for the communities to green up!

  3. Nothing, we aren't causing change and we can't stop it.

    You and your retoric are the problem without a solution in sight.

  4. If what you say is true then it's our time to go just like dinosaurs. You can't interupt the natural flow of things on the earth like Al Gore thinks he can do. Global warming/cooling is a cycle and will happen if it is time. If we all die then we die and that's it. Time for the next crew to come in so enjoy it while you got it and stop with the doom and gloom. You ain't going to worry it away.

  5. Nowhere in your incoherent ramblings did you make anything resembling a logical point.  Most of the "facts" you bring up are either made up or grossly exaggerated.  "by 50 years Alaska will have the temparature of the tropics," where did you hear this?  This makes no sense and you're cementing the fact that you know nothing about climate change.  You really want the government to enact laws to control the public's energy usage?  Seriously?  I guess freedom doesn't have a place in hippie land.  Go read a book or something about global warming, ignorant morons like you are just clouding the issue.

  6. These are your beliefs.  They are not science.

  7. You are totally right  however there is not much we can do to stop or change things .We can watch how we do things but nothing will stop  this as i kind of wonder if they actually know what to do.We need more research on this for sure and it is not a happy thought for sure .They dont say much because i think they dont want to spark fear in the people so therefore they do very little.

  8. When you use deodrent, make sure you use roll-on not spay on

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