
Important boob question hahahah?

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I'm 15. About a month ago I started to notice these red marks on my b***s [[Sorry i hate the word b*****s it sounds funny hahaha :)]] They are spoke-like. NO they aren't stretch marks.. I know what stretch marks look like, I have them on my hips cause i grew to 5'10 from 5'6 in 8 months! But seriously...

they ALWAYS hurt, really badly =/

and i have a family history of breast cancer and cysts and things like that. i don't want to bug my mom about it just yet because i don't know what they are.

any womanly help here! hahaha thanks :)




  1. doctor????

  2. It could be cysts in your breast causing that. You should tell your mom and see a doctor. She may know what's going on. Considering your family history you might want to see a doctor. My mom's b*****s hurt badly for months. She had some large cysts in her b*****s. They were so big that the family physician thought she has breast cancer. My mom went to a breast specialist. They ran a sonagram and found it was nothing more than cysts.

  3. You could see if you can find a similar picture of what you have online by running a google image search or looking on WebMd.  They could be spider veins, which can be hereditary and are most common in lower areas, but depending on how fast your bust is growing, it may be a possibility.  Stretch marks do come in all shapes and sis in law got some during her pregnancy that are horizontal and on her lower back.  If it is really painful, ask your doctor or a school nurse, or ask an older female if you dont want to worry your mom -- like a friends big sister or mom.

  4. Tell your mother.  

  5. If they are red lines, they are stretch marks.  Your hip stretch marks are probably white.  The pain could be premenstrual.    Ask your mom, better safe then sorry especially if you have a family history.

  6. You need to see a doctor, now

  7. wow, go to the Doctor and tell your mom, and you should be concern that your family has a breast cancer history, remember take care of yourself. good luck and best wishes =D

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