
Important etiquette question, please answer!?

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Is it rude if there are three people in a room, for two of them to speak a foreign language knowing that the third person won't understand.

For example, I live in America, but am fluent in Italian. My barber is from Italy. If I go in there, is it rude for me to start speaking Italian to him even if there is a client in the chair who wouldn't understand us?

Keep in mind, the barber is also fluent in English, as he's been here for years and years.

Thanks in advance.




  1. Since this is a business/social setting,no one would deem it rude for you both to speal Italian especially if it's in that type of neighborghood or if everyone knows the barber is of Italian descent.

  2. I personally feel it is rude for two people out of three to speak in a foreign language when the third person has no idea what they are saying.

  3. It would be rude if it was at a dinner table or the like. It is not rude to not include a stranger in a conversation, no matter what language you are speaking.  

  4. Be proud number 1 of your heritage and number 2 that you have a second language that you know.

    You speak to him the way he wants to be spoken to

  5. It is fine to speak TO someone else... but not to SWITCH mid-conversation or make the third person feel excluded.

  6. Ummm... in that situation I would say no because you are also a paying client. But if it was like 3 friends going out to dinner and two were speaking Italian and the third didn't understand... that would be rude. I don't get offended when people speak Spanish in front of me even though I don't understand, it is just the language they are a little more comfortable speaking.  

  7. in a setting like you describe there is no expectation for the 3rd person to enter the conversation so it is not rude. If it's in a public setting where people are gathering around and all conversing with each other, it's very rude because the people who don't speak your language have no way of knowing if you're saying rude or gossipy things about them. You should speak the common language or occasionally share the gist of the conversation with anyone looking on, confused.

  8. No, it's not rude at all!

    If the other person isn't involved in the conversation, I don't see a problem

  9. in your situation its not rude since it gives you both an opportunity to practice your Italian, it would be different if someone else was there and was participating in the conversation

    like if you went to dinner with 3-4 people and only 2 of you were speaking Italian

  10. Is only rude if the third person is involved in the conversation, otherwise no.

  11. No, it's not rude at all. I'm almost used to the fact that I don't hear English in public anymore. If I'm not part of a conversation, in English or any other language, I can give a hoot what two people are yapping about.  

  12. I think it's be best if you stuck to speaking English if there is another client in the chair. They might find it offensive and might become self conscious, thinking you are gossiping or talking about them behind their back. Otherwise, Italian would be perfectly fine.

  13. It's not offensive as you don't owe that other person anything. If it is someone you both know then it would be good to include them, but a stranger, no.   If they have a problem with you and your barber talking Italian then let them say it.  

    What if there are ten people in there will you have to ask each one of them what language they speak?  Where does it stop?  Talk to your barber in either English or Italian and don't worry about who else is in there, if they have a problem let them tell you.  But your conversation with the barber is none of their business.

  14. I don't think it's particularly rude, especially if it's an Italian barber shop and it's welcome and open.

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