
Important snooker question

by BoyWonder  |  10 years, 11 month(s) ago

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Are there any circumstances when laying a snooker behind a nominated free ball does not constitute a foul?




  1. masudur rahman
    You can take the free ball of course, but you cannot lay a snooker.

  2. Brian
    But if pink and black are the only balls on, the other guy fouls and leaves me snookered, surely I get a free ball
  3. masudur rahman
    If only pink and black are on the table you wouldn't have a free ball situation. You can only snooker your opponent from the free ball if you play your nominated ball and then get behind another ball, for example nominate the yellow as free ball, hit the yellow and then get the cue ball behind the brown.
  4. Brian
    A player may snooker behind the nominated pink if only pink and black are on the table
  5. masudur rahman
    When playing a free ball, you must nominate the ball you wish to play. If you don't hit that ball, or snooker your opponent behind the ball you've picked, it will be a foul.

Question Stats

Latest activity: 10 years, 11 month(s) ago.
This question has 5 answers.


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