
Importing videos on windows movie maker?

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how do i import videos in windows movie maker? when i try the video files dont show up?




  1. Use firewire - not USB.  If that does not work for your situation, you need to use a USB video adapter.  Also, the captured video on Windows Movie Maker for XP is saved to a different section than where you edit the video.

  2. WMM just supports AVI&WMV video

    And there is a nice tutorial about how to edit video with WMM:

    I think it would provide you more helpful info.

    If you still have any questions, you can send me an email or search for answers from

  3. When you put a video on the computer, what type is it? (ex: .MOV, .AVI, .MPEG, etc.)

    If it's .MOV, I understand. my video camera did the same thing. for .MOV, I could not find a video converter about a month. I finally found one! It's actually a (bad) editor, but the input is any video format, and the output is always .MPEG (not as good as .MOV, but .MOV is like the best, hard to find a better format). Yahoo or Google (hope I don't get in trouble for saying that here) search "videothang freeware", and download the program. You might need to download Quicktime (it's free).

    If the video format is not .MOV, tell me what it is and I will probably be able to solve your problem.

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