
Impostors on Yahoo, Answers??

by  |  earlier

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Last night, I received an email from an answerer who claimed to access my Q and As and accused me of writing things, which I didn't. Immediately, I knew he/she couldn't have done that because my Q and As are private. So, that means they must have gained access to an impostor's account. My question is this... if both me and my impostor have the same yahoo id, wouldn't their Q and As come up on my account and vice versa? Thanks in advance.




  1. From answers can they access your email account?  That is what you would have to worry about.

  2. First of you can not have the same yahoo id. It would not let you. And there is a way to access Q&A that have been set to private. Buut if you say you didnt say that then you didnt :]

    Hope i helped.

  3. Two people can show the same name in Yahoo Answers, but have different Yahoo accounts. You will see "Eric" under my picture, because I was not very imaginative when I set up my account. And I have seen other answers by avatars named Eric that I didn't write. But my Q & A only lists my own. My account  info is under my e-mail address. (say - not my real email) And other people who chose the name "Eric" will have their answers listed in their account. (say It doesn't mean the other Erics are imposters. We won't get mixed up, but a 3rd person might respond to the wrong one, even if the avatars look different.

  4. Don't you think you're making to much fuss over a silly question and answer site? I never open any email I get for this account.

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