
Improve My Mile Time?

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How can I go from a 5:08 Mile to a 3:50 mile time in 3.5 years?




  1. ok first off and age would be nice and if u ran id say a 100 miles a week doing diffrent things. Like tempo runs, intervals, lil track work. You might get it in that time probably later. and u planing on going to the olympics or something..? sorry if im wrong.

  2. work hard

  3. WOW, that is very ambitious! First of all, how many athletes that are not elite run the mile in this time? I am not sure what your level is, (sounds like you are very fast if you run the mile in 5:08) or what you are training for? This is something that would take a lot of time. You may need ti hire a private coach to help you with practice, etc.. This sounds to difficult to do on you own. It will obviously take hard work, YOU CAN DO IT THOUGH!! GOOD LUCK : )

  4. holy c**p that is fast im a track runner and i cant do that, my mile time is 4:30 but i have been running a lot every day and it is all about pace. if you start off fast ur going to get tired in the end but you have got to give it your all in the end that is what matters. and what is the point of having that fast of a mile time?
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