
Improve my Golf Swing?

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Could anyone please look at this video

and help me fix my problem. I tend to pull my left shoulder up or straighten my left leg too soon on my downswing and slice it alot. I have taken lessons, but he cannot answer my question, he tries to go too fast. Any help is appreciated.




  1. This is fun to watch...because i had the SAME problem.  What you are doing is having your left elbow bend at impact causing you to come from outside to inside, the result is shorter drives that slice.  work on keeping your elbow straight through impact.  Work on your release as well.  You want the clubs shaft and your wrists to be at about a 90 degree angle coming down, and when your hands get to about waist level, you will unlock your wrists and "release" the club through impact.  Watch this video and watch his wrists through impact, how his wrists turn over at impact and the left arm stays straight.  Try to pause your video at around 9 seconds, right after you contact the ball, and look how bent your left is...thats the only flaw that you really have....heres the link to the video

  2. Honestly, I think your swing is pretty good.  I suppose you can find a pro you like to work on it (Don't use one who is confined to a driving range -- you have to get out on the course), but your swing is good enough to play decently and need not change dramatically.

  3. When a golfer hits a slice as opposed to a fade there are TWO things going wrong at the same time. Now your set-up to the ball is fade. No doubt about it. Your stance is open, the ball is forward just inside your front foot. You want to move the ball about 1 to 1 1/2 balls back in your stance and away from you. That's just set-up.

    Reason 1 - Your arms are tucked into your body. That's not only the major reason you slice it has to be uncomfortable. You gain no extra control being closer to the ball. So when you address feel as if you are slightly reaching for the ball. Let your arms hang naturally or even out from you a little bit. Most slicers have no idea that their set-up is the reason they slice. When you set-up and your hands are in your lap you have to know that it is next to impossible to get them back to that position without lifting up your body or (as in your case) coming over the top. The ball should be placed slightly at the toe of your grounded clubhead. NOT center. Lift the clubhead up with your wrists next time you set-up and see where the ball is when the clubhead is direclty behind it. I bet it's completely on the heel. Move back so it's center.

    Reason 2 - It is your left elbow. The left elbow controls the look of that clubface. The presentation of that moving clubhead to the ball during your swing is inherent upon that left elbow. The breakdown of that left elbow happens at the top of your very long backswing. If you shorten it you can keep your elbow intact. When you try for that "little extra" everything breaks down and you have to compensate on your downswing. In your video at exactly 9 seconds is the top of your backswing. You are past parallel and the extra three inches of turn takes you off plane and makes you lose that elbow.

    Take a look at this video.

    It says right elbow but it goes in depth into the left elbow as well.

    Lastly, (this doesn't have to do with your slice) you want to feel as if you are swinging through the ball not "hitting" the ball. There is one thing that makes this swing decent not great and that is confidence. There is a definite tentativeness about this action. Know that you are in control of all of what is going on with this golf shot. As you see these shots straighten out you will gain a little confidence and start to swing through. But all in all a good swing, good rhythm, good posture and weight transfer good follow-through. Good swing.    Good Luck

  4. You gotta get behind the ball better.  You have a little reverse pivot. At address, get your spine tipped a little more to the right.  At the top of your backswing, you need to be stacked over your right side much better.  Through impact, you're far too ahead of the ball with upper half and thus have zero extension thru impact and beyond.  Look at some photos of pros.  Notice at impact and beyond how their spine is tilted back with head behind ball and arms extended.  I see these problems in my students all the time.  Good luck.

  5. hey not bad, what i noticed is a couple things.  for one u should never c**k your wrists problem many golfers do it will make you hit fairways less often.  second take your time slow down.  finally try to put your weight on front foot when finishing other than that not bad. good luck

  6. the problem is your lower body your not rotating your hips or pivoting onto your right toes until very late. doing this causes you to cut across the ball and slice it. watch your video and look at your lower body then go to golfdigest or somewhere that shows swing sequences and look at there lower bodies you'll see what i mean every thing else looks good just check the lower body and you'll be happier guaranteed.
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