
Improve running time for 1.5 miles (army)?

by  |  earlier

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I am currently at an 11 min pace for 1.5 mile run. I am wanting/needing to cut this down by atleast 2 mins. I start out at a good pace, but within half a mile of starting I slow down. After 1 mile or so my breathing is getting me into a good rhythm and do speed up a little. I'm guessing I can get my time down by sorting my breathing out, but I don't know how to force the change, it just kinda happens automatically after a mile or so, but need it to start straight away. Any tips? I'm not that fit, as you can tell by my time. I'm 26 and weigh around 75kg's




  1. You can quickly improve your stamina by running while wearing a surgical mask. The mask will restrict your breathing and consequently increase endurance and help you learn to control your breathing.

    If you feel winded and light headed when you finish a normal runn, the mask trick should work to increase stamina, not speed (Meaning you can keep your normal pace for longer; not run at a faster pace for longer). However, if it has more to do with your legs and/or body being tired and sore you need to work on  your legs and/or core strength.

  2. try doing an old training technique of running shorter and faster as well as farther and slower

    this would mean trying repeats of 400m (about 1/4 mile or 1 lap on a track) and 800m (2 laps) to develop speed. also run 2-4 miles for distance to work on endurance. you could also try fartlek training (jogging with short bursts of speed every so often). fartlek training is excellent for your overall fitness and conditioning, so it is somewhat on the shorter distance side

  3. You need to be first build stamina by going on longer runs, in your case probably 4-5 mile runs. These can be as slow as you like but for the best results, you shouldn't stop at all and continue running. This makes your heart and cardiovascular system work for an extended period of time. You should probably do this until you feel pretty comfortable during the entire run and are able to do it at faster paces than you started.

    Once you have you base built, then you can work on speed. In order to build speed and your ability to push yourself, you should do interval workouts. You should try going onto the track and doing repeats of 400 meters (one lap). For example, you should try running a lap in 90 seconds, give yourself few minutes of rest, and then running in again at 90 seconds. Try going for 4-6 lap like this.

  4. dont even worry about it, just get out there everyday and run for fun. at least 3 miles a day....dont worry about pace, the times will drop

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