
Improve the intrest of a child towards education?

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Improve the intrest of a child towards education?




  1. how old is u r child?

    if the child is younger then 10 years

    1). Give ur child different books, i.e story-book,kid science book, kidz encyclopedia,

    2).If ur kid loves to play video  games then introduce some educational games, by playing video games a kid learns to win, control the situation, the sitting capacity increases, concentration increases too, sometimes u can play video games with ur kid.

    3).kids can not study all the time so make a schedule or time table, & ake ur kid follow it , it should include all the things that kids love to do, or u can sit & discuss it with ur child, this will keep him happy deciplaned & occupied.

    4)Give ur child gifts or goodies only when the child has completed the task or accomplished the goal, teach him to earn what he wants, by working hard.

    hope this helps.

  2. show them some members in your family who have achieved with education..

  3. Make the learning more interactive, put more physical activity.. The will understand more if u make them learn through games or visual aids. Try giving them reward for their performance

  4. buy them what ever they ask and say them to get good marks

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