
Improve volleyball mentally...?

by  |  earlier

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I really want to improve in volleyball, and i was wondering if there were any mental training skills or easy skill training to do at home. I' m a 14 year-old girl and played on a club team, but am afriad i might not make it this year...any suggestions?




  1. Mental stability is needed for volleyball. If you get emotional about anything just a little bit, it can ruin your attitude to play well. When you walk onto the volleyball court, be confident! Even if you don't play your best, be strong about it. Confidence shows to coaches/recruiters, even if you aren't that good of a player, if you are confident they might pick you.

    The moment you get down in self-pity, or lack of confidence in volleyball your level of play drops dramatically. Be a confident player!

  2. When i played in college and HS this is what i did.

    1before games or practice i would set a goal like " i will pass two perfect balls today" that way i had something very specific and attainable for me to accomplish that day. ( remember this depends on your skill level so pick something challenging but also realistic)

    2. before games and practice i would also visualize doing the skills and tasks i would have to perform. ie if your a setter picture your self making the kinds of sets you need to make in the game. picture the various situations you may find your self in. diving for balls, serving, passing, hitting, ... this way when it happens in the game you already know what you are going to do.

    3. only think about the ball that is in front of you. meaning the ball that is in play right now. don't think about the last time you did anything or the next time you do anything. only play in the moment. the last ball is gone and the next one isn't here yet.

    hope this helped.

  3. If you have stairs at home, jump up them, skipping one. also jump roping and ladder drills. And setting against a wall helps you learn control. During tryouts don't get negative. Don't play afraid and keep your head up. I don't know why but i always play better if your in a good mood (losing doesn't help) and laughing really gets you going, only at appropriate times though. I'm sure you'll do fine at tryouts, good luck with the rest of your season.

  4. just calm down youll make it

  5. you must must must be confident

    in order to play well you must feel well

    you feel confident and you play so much better

  6. Mental preparation is one of the most helpful, yet most overlooked training techniques in any sport.  The whole basis of the idea, is simply to close your eyes, and picture exactly what you want to do.  Picture yourself passing the perfect ball, picture it from every angle of the court, you diving and pancaking it.  Picture the serve, block, set, hit, everything from everywhere on the court.  Repeat the same thought of you passing it perfectly to yourself who then sets the perfect ball to you who also takes the perfect approach, swing and kill, that same thought over and over again.  Know it, be confident.  When the time comes for you to actually preform the skill, it'll seem easy to you, not new.  You've done it a thousand times in your head.

    This technique can be applied to any activity or sport.  As off beat as this may sound this mental preparation even works for strength training.  Using the same basis as the skills training, you simply concentrate and picture yourself lifting the weights repeatedly, or whatever other kind of training you'd like.  

    I understand that this sounds unbelievable but it truly does help.

  7. hmm.. it really depends on you.. don't ever think that you're not good enough.. it ruins your game's play.. at home.. talk to your parents about how you feel and their assurance would make you feel better.. just do be so skeptic about your own skills..

  8. stay up!

    in volleyball you have to stay up.

    if you get a kill, go with it. keep teamates up.

    be confident.

    maybe even tape your games and see what you do wrong 1st hand...

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