
Improving career prospects???

by  |  earlier

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I recently applied for three internal vacancies, one of which was that of a team manager. I do not have any formal management experience but I have been a beacon of support for other team members. Another candidate who also applied for the position, got the job ahead of me. He also did not have any management experience but will be getting support from other managers in order to develop his skills.

What really angered me is that the other candidate had a very similar skills set to mine., yet I was overlooked but more experienced in my current role that the other candidate. Has anybody else been in ithis situation, what advice would you give. Do you think I should do a management qualification that gives me the know how relating to specialist management skills?




  1. Job vacancies are often posted due to laws, however, many times the corporation already knows who they want.  Don't feel badly, just keep improving your skills, be positive, looking nice and being a good worker.  Someone will notice you and you will receive a promotion.  -- Toni D.  

  2. Sometimes people are not promoted as they are more valuable in the position they are in. And managers usually like to hold onto their 'best', by sabotaging reference checks etc..  This usually happens to highly skilled and performing people.

    There is a saying 'incompetence is promoted on and up out of here'

    Don't be disheartened by this experience. Usually better opportunities will come along after great disappointment. If you are happy to stay in this company, find out from their HR team if they have a career or mentoring programme, or at least training? What about a traineeship programme? Ask if you could be put on a supervisory course to solidify your abilities to help others.

    If they have nothing, and if you really want to move up why not enroll yourself (which means at your cost, though tax deductible) in a local college or university short course?

    Another idea is to start looking (via job agencies etc) what other jobs are out there that is an improvement on where you are at and apply. Tell your management that you are considering other job offers externally, I have seen people use this tactic to get promoted, as soon as your company finds out you are looking external and they don't want to lose you, they usually make something beneficial happen for you.

    What ever you chose to do, you must take the first step to do something about it. Good Luck.

  3. Being a beacon of support for other workers is very praise worthy, but they were looking for management ability not a Care worker.

    Any time there is a short list for a job it ends up with one guy or gal with a big smile on his/her face and a group of others wondering why they did not get the job as they were better in some way than the chosen one!  fact of life.

    Most successful managers have a streak of ruthlessness somewhere in their nature, maybe you are just too nice a guy!

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