
Improving my mile time... 800 time?

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so in track i run long/middle distance such as the mile, 800, and the 4 x 800.

my mile time so far this year is a 6:05 but that was in the windy, freezing, and rainy conditions.

and my 800 time this year is a 2:40.

i was wondering what i can do (besides the regular track workouts after school each day) to improve my mile time to a 5:50? 5:45 if possible even.. and my 800 time to a 2:30.

what are major factors and extra workouts i could work on and improve in order to achieve these goals.

i'm a 16 year old sophomore girl.




  1. ok im a 15 yo freshmen boy. but this is what i do. I run the 400m for my 800m it really improves my speed for it. When i do the mile it improves my stamina for the 800m. the 800m itself will improve your mile time. but do sprints during practice. they will help you. or you can do 2-3 mile jogs at the 6:20-40 mile pace. that will also help you

  2. For the mile do a 6X400 workout. try to run them with a 400 jog inbetween each one, but the key is to not stop, run them contunuously one you cross the line jog, and one you jog to the line run. This should be done at 85-90 seconds for the hard ones.

    For the 800, do a 10X200 workout and do them at 30 second pace, again stay with the continuation factor.

    Good luck

  3. My sons track coach has them run timed 200's they run 20 at a time of 40 seconds and take off a half a second after each workout than your next one you run19 at a lower time and you work down til you are running 10 200's at a faster pace.You have a minute in between but you have to stay walking, You can vary the time that you start out if it gets to difficult,but you will think it is very easy at first so keep a steady pace

  4. You could try lifting light weights with 15 to 20 reps each. Really burn your muscles out with 2 to 3 sets.

    You have set some high goals for a sophmore. They are very attainable.  I hope you reach them. Good luck


  5. Try to beat your 1st laps time.

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