
Improving my sit reach?

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So I have never been able to touch my toes. Sitting or standing. I'm going to join the Navy and recently found out I have to be able to grab my toes for one second. All the running and push up I have done so far will be in vain if I can't reach my toes. Any help will be appreciated




  1. There are no quick fixes for this but it can be done.  The only way you can improve on your flexibility is to do stretching exercises.  It is very unusual that you cannot touch your toes in a sitting position.  Being overweight is one cause.  If you feel there is another reason please see your doctor.   I am far older than you and can very easily touch my toes in a sitting or standing position.  Running and push-ups will not help your flexibility.  Gradual stretching will help.  If I could stretch enough at 39 to easily touch my toes I am certain you can do it.   Sit on the floor with your legs spread apart at almost 90 degrees. (start with a shallower angle if that is not comfortable)  Start by grabbing your leg at knee level.  Repeat for at least 3 days on both sides until you are comfortable with it.  Then start  working your way lower on each leg.   Several days at each position. As you become comfortable with each position work your way down your legs.  Do it gradually.  Do not over stretch and injure yourself.  Make your movements slow.  No sharp or bouncing movements.  There are, of course, many other stretching exercises which you can incorporate into your routine.  If the reason is you are so overweight that you cannot touch your toes in a sitting position then you may be rejected due to your obesity.  You may want to postpone joining up until you are in better physical condition.  Good luck.  

  2. keep working at it and everytime u try go a little bit farther and soon enough youl b able to touch ur toes  

  3. go as far down as you can  do back stretches  then before you know it you be able to touch the floor with the palms flat

  4. ur probably fat?>.> go run and loose it T.T"

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