I'm getting into competitions now after training for many many years. Problem is, I am a contact fighter, comps I'm doing are non-contact. That is one part of it. The other, I practically haven't fought in 18 months. So, to put it simply, I'm quite S**t at the moment.
I used to be a really agressive fighter, now because I haven't faught properly in ages, my style has become weak and "nice". Plus because doing non-contact now, I'm scared I'm going to really hurt someone if they're not used to taking a punch.
How can I work on becoming an agressive fighter again, and now train myself for non-contact comps?
And to make it even harder, how can I do it practically alone? The new style I'm doing now (so could get into comps), I'm the highest ranked there by 7 kyu ranks (apart from the sensei).