
Improving volleyball skills?

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next year i'm going out for volleyball in 9th grade. how can i improve the over hand serve and my overall skills. thanks. i'm a girl if that helps, but that's kinda a no brainer.




  1. i know when serving the volley hurts a lot, but in my opinion try serving sidewards it really helps me earning a lot of points=)

  2. remember to step into the ball

  3. You need to find a club team that has a good coach, and keep playing real games.

  4. The best way to improve your over hand serve is by tossing the ball up in the air and hitting it up, make sure all of your fingers are tightly together and smack it with the heel of your hand. After you get the distance and force right, try aiming it.  Have someone stand in fornt of you about 30ft away and try to serve it to them.  Have them stand in all 6 positions.  The best serve in the world is the "windmill" serve; it is untouchable.  As for basic skill improvment, have someone help you with basic drills.  digging/bumping--- have someone stand about 10ft from you and have them hit or throw the ball to you, down and fast.  This will not only improve your digging/bumping skills but your speed and reaction skills as well.  Also another drill to, take a volleyball to a tract or sidewalk; start walking down the tract in a steady pace, while bumping, setting and spiking the ball (now when you get to the spiking part, don't really spike it because then you will have to chase it, just catch it with your hand in the possition like you would spike it.).

    The biggest reason for balls hitting the floor is lack of communication, so while doing this drill call out what you are doing, "bump, set, spike", also yell "mine, yours, got it, help."  So when you get out on the court you will be used to communicating, so no one can blame you for not comunicating what you are doing.  Also if you want to try setting, just simply lay on your bed facing the celing and set the volleyball in to air.  I promise, if you practice these simple drills it will definatly help you to make the team next year.

  5. erm i would say practice...practice and more practice LOL overhand serves are really hard for me, i am not really an expert at it

  6. go to the gym, work on the skills, and go to tons of camps

  7. what my coach had us do to hit better over hand was 2 stand like a couple feet in front of a wall and start hitting it against the wall and that really helped me and then after a while keep moving back a couple feet and try and hit it your hardest! i hope that helps

  8. when i first started playing.. the only thing that i could do to improve is practice.. if you have a local place that has a court.. go with a few friends.. and have them stand on the other side of the court and just practice you serve.. If you by yourself.. take a ball and set and bump the ball against a wall.... Practice is the only way to improve your skills... try and get together with a girl that is already on the team.. a lot of times... player from the year before will be willing to help a new comer.. also look and see if they have  a summer volleyball camp.. i attended a camp before my freshman year of high school... and that year.. i was voted mvp of my junior varsity team... and i was voted by my fellow plays...

  9. my volleyball season just ended im in 8th grade and we did really good.

    i think you need to worry about focusing and getting your serves over rather than just getting them over in a second. so what im saying is take time and like practice serving against a wall or ask a friend to help. also you might want to practice bump set spike that will help you with like tryouts and stuff.

    overall just practice and if u have anymore questions i will answer them :]

  10. Well you must have lots of practice and maybe probably try hitting the ball on the wall like a thousand times and then try it. It helped me and i got it.

    hope it works


  11. Some great exercises you can do (some are hard, but if you really want to learn, they are excellent):

    Choose a wall with a high ceiling. If you are serving with the right hand, have the ball in your left hand. Keep your left foot forward. Throw the ball in the air parallel to the wall (10 cm away) and hit it at its high point, which should be the length of your arm extended. Hit it such that your hand hits the ball

    against the wall so that the ball stays against the wall. Let go and let the ball drop back into your arms. Repeat. Hint: you are not trying to make the ball bounce away from the wall. All you are doing here is practicing timing on serving.

    Once you are somewhat comfortable with volleying (practice with a volleyball against the wall) you can try it with a basketball. This will make you fingers stronger and more flexible when playing with an actual volleyball. You can try standing in push up position on your fingers as long as possible 3 times a day.

    Later on, when you have other skills down, and well into the season, I think you should try the bump, volley, hit combination against the wall. Throw the ball against the wall and bump it up to yourself. Then volley it to yourself once more and lightly hit it  overhand against the wall. Repeat without dropping the ball.

    For more beginner exercises, see other people's comments. Only do the exercises I mentioned once you feel that you are comfortable with them,

    And Good Luck.

  12. I would try to get into some summer camps if you can.  You could also look into someong giving you private lessons.  If neither of those are available for you.  I would start by the basics.  I would "pick" a number like start out with 25 and try to get 25 passes to yourself in a row.  Then as you complete that make your number go up until you can do 100 without a mistake! Also, try laying in your bed and "setting" up in the air at night.  (not to high, don't break anything!!!) Just touching a volleyball will help you, but you need to do it everyday to be able to tell a difference!  I hope this helps!

    Good luck!

  13. Ofcorse lots of practice!

    and you've gotta find a great coach to teach you the basic stuff like spiking, the dig pass, serving etc.  A learn to have fun in playing the sport! Play it with your friends! or you can even play with a wall.

  14. practice makes perfect

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