
In 1000 years from now what do you imagine the World will be like.

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Do you think everything will be "Star-Treky" and we will have cars that will hover etc etc OR

Do you think it will be "back to basics" as there will be NO gas/oil/diesel/petrol supplies left.

Thank you for your answers.




  1. The Republicans will still be in power. Mankind will have developed a totally clean synthetic fuel as a power source. The heavens will be conquered making space travel common place.

  2. there will be fewer people on this planet and more people on other planets..there will be no cars or roads like we know them...there will be less houses and buildings because good natured people will be fed up with dangerous gasses and fumes and the disappearance of our tv's or computers as we know them...most everything will be dont by motion or voice everybody here now will be dead

  3. Ermm Like All Technology

  4. As per d current global problms, we need nt 2 go 2 1000 yrs far. until specific & acutare measures takn, existing will b impossible

    Nt only concern authorities also we all hve 2 do somthng( as per we can) 2 make a bettr envronment

  5. no gas we have like years of coal left and other gases might be over,so i guess life will be over by then

  6. Humans won't be here

  7. there wont be any life on planet Earth.

  8. i think the world will just be a black burnt mess, and therell be a few weird survivors hiding out in the ruins.

    but all the rich elite people of society would have moved to mars and started a whole new system. there will be human breeding farms so that all children born will be extremely attractive and intelligent. the technology will be beyond anything we thought was possible, and time travel is now being developed and enhanced.

    a new galaxy with intelligent lifeforms has been discovered and the new mars government and they are now making regular contact and there are future plans for a meeting and union between galaxies.

    ahhh a girl can dream...

  9. Under water with floating Mosques

  10. I think their will be no cars but space crafts and big buildings that are shaped weirdly and no fuel and more planets to travel to and *gasp* *gasp* Light sabers and robots and aliens and death stars and at least osama bin ladin wont be here crashin any towers.

  11. Hydrogen fuel cell, people will still have bad grammar and eastenders will still be as depressing. But at last Paris Hilton won't be here.

  12. All over.

  13. More like in the cartoon "Futurama"

  14. yep, i think we'll av used all the fossil fuels..for sure!.

    The world will go 2 war, fighting over the dregs of whats left of the oil...So a thousand years time, we probably wont be here as they would have been a nuclear war which would wipe us all out!

  15. If the world is still here then I think it will be a cross between the two. Technology will probably be more advance in some ways, but I don't think gas, oil and so on will still be available

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