
In 1480 the people drew the frist to divide the new lands between spain and portugal?

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in 1480 the people drew the frist to divide the new lands between spain and portugal




  1. I don't know what exactly the question is. If you mean the Treaty of Tordesillas, it was signed in 1494.

    This treaty, signed at Tordesillas (Spain), June 7, 1494, divided the newly discovered lands outside Europe into an exclusive duopoly between the Spanish and the Portuguese along a north-south meridian 370 leagues west of the Cape Verde islands (off the west coast of Africa).

    This was about halfway between the Cape Verde Islands (already Portuguese) and the islands discovered by Christopher Columbus on his first voyage (claimed for Spain), named in the treaty as Cipangu and Antilia (Cuba and Hispaniola). The lands to the east would belong to Portugal and the lands to the west to Spain.

    There was also the Treaty of Alcáçovas (also known as Treaty or Peace of Alcáçovas-Toledo), which was signed on September 4, 1479 between the Catholic Monarchs of Castile (Castilla, Spain) and Aragon on one side and the King of Portugal on the other side.

    This treaty essentially gave the Portuguese free rein to continue their exploration along the African coast while guaranteeing Castilian sovereignty in the Canaries. It also prohibited Castilians from sailing to the Portuguese possessions without Portuguese license.

  2. Is there a question in that jumble?  You can't be talking about the new world because that is 12 years before Columbus ever sailed across the Atlantic

  3. What exactly is your question?

  4. Thanks, I didn't know that..

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