
In 1950 a movie "The Next Voice You Hear" God speaks on all radios worldwide. How would you respond?

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The movie tells of a family with a typical amount of trials & tensions. One night, the voice of God speaks on the radio worldwide. Saying the same thing at the same exact time. People's attitudes, actions, & priorities began to change! How would you respond if God began to speak to you on your radio or even your tv (on every station of the radio & tv? And the voice made sure you realized it was God.




  1. feel happy that he got a job... RJ.

  2. That was a great movie, I saw it as a kid and got a huge kick out of it.

    Um, I already believe in God. So my actions and beliefs wouldn't change if I heard him on the radio.

    Frankly though I can't imagine a scenario where I would believe  a voice on the radio was God, I would assume it was humans (or aliens) putting one over on us.

    People would freak though, that's for sure. I'm sure it would all be very upsetting.

    On the plus side, maybe he would tell people to stop killing each other in his name, it must be REALLY annoying. I mean "thou shall not kill" seems pretty straightforward. He gave an interview about that recently:

  3. I'd say... I hope that George W. Bush is not listening to this broadcast because he will probably do whatever God (or more likely the C.I.A.) wants him to do.

    Of course, he will get everything wrong.

  4. I would wonder why God needed a radio

  5. I would know at once if it was God because the sheep will know the Shepard's voice. I think that then instead of doing what I don't want to do and not doing what I do want to do, I would start to behave the way I should be now.

  6. i would listen

  7. I would assume it was a hoax and be kinda creaped out, but if I did realize it was God... I'd call into the radio station and talk personally wit him. THAT WOULD BE SWEET

  8. Back then I would have said hallelujah,now I would say its' got to be a hi tech joke.

  9. i would assume it was a prank

  10. I dont care

  11. i would listen. and try my best to follow what he is telling me!

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