
In 1957, an East European writer stated...?

by Guest58521  |  earlier

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"The Communist East European countries did not become satellites of the USSR because they benefited from it, but because they were too weak to prevent it. As soon as they become stronger, or as soon as favorable conditions are created, a yearning for independence and for protection of their own people from Soviet hegemony [dominance or control] will rise amoung them...."

Could someone help me paraphrase this statement?




  1. The Communist East European countries didn't become allies

    of the USSR by choice; they were forced into it.  As soon as they became stronger, they really wanted to become independent of  the USSR.

    NB - I used the word 'allies' in place of 'satellites', but satellites is probably the better word. as it means they were thoroughly dominated by the USSR.  Troops from the USSR - also called the Soviet Union - occupied their land, forced them into a military alliance called the Warsaw Pact, and forced them into trade networks that strongly favored the USSR.  (A Polish friend tells me Poland was sucked dry by the USSR - all her wonderful farm produce was drained away to Russian tables, the Poles got very little in return.)

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