
In 2 days it will be the 2nd week i had baby hamsters can i hold them today or should i wait?

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In 2 days it will be the 2nd week i had baby hamsters can i hold them today or should i wait?




  1. you should be able to start handling the babies now. just make sure to remove the mother first and then the babies. also be sure to take the time to clean the cage with fresh bedding/food/water. when putting the hamsters back in the cage, place the babies back in first and then the mother hamster.

  2. This may sound weird.

    To test whether or not to touch the hamsters stick your hand in the cage. If the mother seems content with you holding your hand there, touch her. If this makes her mad its not time. You don't want to rush holding these baby's or she may kill them.

  3. you can hold the babies when their eye's open and they start eating hard food and start walking around.

  4. I would wait until the two week mark to hold them. The mother is still very protective over her hamsters, and will go crazy if human scent gets all over them. Please, just do yourself a favor and wait.

    When the babies begin to eat and walk on their own, and the mother is finished feeding the babies, then you know that is is safe to handle the hamsters.

    Congratulations on your baby hamsters!

    If you have any additional questions, feel free to e-mail me!

  5. You definitely have to wait for 2 more days.

    Mommy Hamsters are very cautious when it comes to her babies.

    just wait. :D GRATZ you finally have more hamsters  

  6. Wait. You could upset the mother, why risk the chance that she'll eat the babies just because you're impatient?!

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