
In 2005 I got into a BAD car loan. High interest and not so good car(Dodge Stratus). How do I get out of it?

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I'm trying to find out hot to minimize the financial damage since I still owe $10K but the car is currently only worth about $3K. Looking for anybody that has had experience in this situation or has a perspective that I don't have.




  1. 1. You should thank the dealership for the opportunity to learn about taking out loans anf the ramifications

    2. You can talk to them, maybe they will give you a small break.

    3. If you take that as a life lesson, its worth the 10k

    Good luck!

  2. When I bought my car in 2002, my credit was not good, and the dealer got me a loan at 21%.  However, honest car salesman that he was, explained to me how if I made my payments on time and in full every month, I might be able to get a regular loan from a bank in 6 months.  Sure enough, after six months of making these high payments, I was able to refinance at 6%!!  I paid it off in February!  Oh Happy Day! :)

    So, that's what you should have done a couple years ago.  I don't know if you can get a $10K loan on a car (collateral) only worth $3K.  But that's what you need to do . . . find a way to get a lower interest loan.  I suppose default and a visit from the repo man is always an option, but not one I'd like to end up with.

    Good luck to you!

  3. Im sorry but I think your stuck.

    I bought a car for £4000 in the UK - when Id finally paid back nearly double I swore to never get a car on finance again (thank you for that lesson Welcome Finance).  I even had the chance to pay the loan off early and they told me that I would have to pay a 'percentage' to get out of the deal.  

    The car wasnt even drivable by the time I had finally cleared the bill.

    Aim to keep the car on the road as long as you can, and maybe get intouch with the finance company to find out if there is a get out clause.  Maybe borrow the money from the bank to clear the debt - it may be on a lower loan rate, and might save you some money.

    Sorry I cant help further.

  4. Woah , how did you get in to it in the first place? But to tell you the honest truth your pretty much in a loose loose situation, no way possible you can come close to breaking even..

  5. If you buy a new car, or a used car from a dealership, you can pretty much guarantee youre going to be upside down from the start.  You seem to have particuliarly gotten hosed.   You have no option outside of sucking it up, unless you can roll that car into another loan and get some stupid dealer to sell you a car for less then its value, and then youd technically be still under water, but further up then now, or you can hand over the keys and face those problems.

  6. You get out of a loan by paying it off, unless you can prove there was some thing illegal about your transaction, in which case you may be able to sue your way out. But you’d have to spend money without assurance of winning to start that process.

  7. Poor credit car loans have been specifically designed for those people who have trouble getting credit due to their credit score being too low, if your credit score is too low then you will be seen as a huge risk and as such the lender will not take a chance on you and so turn you down. You can bring your credit rating<!--back up by doing certain things but it does take a long time and if you want your car now then applying for a poor credit car loan could be your only or best option.Just as with any other type of loan if you go to a specialist then you will get the best deal. You may get the car loan you want from here,

    When applying for a poor credit car loan you have to realise that you are never going to get the very lowest of interest rates that others have the luxury of securing but if you go with a specialist they will be able to get you the lowest among loans associated with a poor credit rating. Along with getting you the cheapest possible poor credit car loan the specialist-->website will also be able to offer you the best advice. However unless you know something about car loans and in particular what to look for when it comes to getting a poor credit car loan then you could end up paying way over the odds for the privilege of getting the loan.

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