
In 2007 the U.S. contributed over $350 million to the World Food Program. Saudi Arabia gave zero. Comment ?

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The OPEC states were not even among the top 40 donors. The U.S. was number one.




  1. Both the Saudi government and individuals in Saudi Arabia contribute to food and care for the poor all over the world.  The World Food Program is only one of dozens of similar charities.

    For example:

  2. Are you surprised? Yet we are the nation that is hated around the world. We are even hated by many of our own people. Update- one of those Asian countries leaders donated 10 tvs and 10 dvd players to the Myanmar cyclone victims. This is not a joke. Can you believe this?

  3. The whole point of Aid is:

    The Poor of the Rich countries give money to the Rich of the Poor countries.

    This is precisely how it works!

    A simple fact of life: if you can afford to buy guns, then you can afford to buy food!

    Look at this link: typical example of indifference by governments.

  4. Right on John L..... When I saw this in the news, it really bothers me to see that despite how much the US is hated we are #1 in contribution. This is very sad and this gives you an example of how ungrateful this world is. I wonder what would happen if WW3 breaks out and the US just don't do anything. I also would like to see the day we stop importing oil from these greedy nut jobs..... sorry I got carry away on this answer.

    The answer is greed.... They only care about selling oil and exporting terrorism, that's the way I see it.

  5. What business is it of yours?

    How much did you contribute to poor Saudi kids?


  6. I am not disputing your claim but would like to see a link so that I could see how all countries fare

  7. No surprise to me they rather give it to their buddy Bush boy.  And why is it that anyone should do this shouldn't people grow and support themselfs like everyone else?

  8. This is not suprising seeing as how the upper 1% of the opec states own 99% of their respective country's wealth and don't have any concern about anyone else in their own country let alone the rest of the world.  This planet will be a lot better off when they run out of oil and thus influence

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