
In 2009 what's going to happen?

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with our landfills when Americans are forced to buy new TV's?

Where will all the old TV's that will no longer work end up?




  1. my judgment is that since it is the same today as in 2007, it might be the same.

  2. we shall fly

  3. 2009, TV dumping and all such small things in the grand scheme are gradually going to worsen as we continue to stick our heads in the sand, or get our heads stuck in the sand, and do very little to prepare for and deal with the real problems such as mass migration, water, food and energy shortages, rising global uncertainty, wars, disease, stress ad so on....

    The real thing for 2009 is to try to catch up the lost consciouness we left far behind when we crawled into a city bound consumer oriented society, leaving behind respect for nature, solidarity, and social skills that enhanced our practical daily lives.

  4. Can you imagine George Washington or Thomas Jefferson reading this question?

  5. In 2009, people will fret about all sorts of stuff, like where to put their old TV's.

  6. Probilly people are in a hudge junk yard were gonna run out of room.

  7. in 2009 i willl be  a year older!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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