
In 3rd year (9th grade) in Ireland u do a junior cert exam, is there one like that in America?

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it is called the junior certificate exam, it is a state exam that is suppose to prepare you for the leaving certificate exam in 6th year ( 12th grade). It is a big deal and very important in ireland. is there any exam like that, that students have to do in america? especially florida. thanks.




  1. the junior cert isn't a big deal!!!when u get the results the excitement lasts 10 minutes and then u go back to class as usual!!the leaving cert is the big one!!i did it this year...

  2. In Georgia, we have what's called the CRCT (Criterion-Referenced Competency Test). Your scores on this test help determine whether you're passed to the next grade. It isn't quite the same as yours, but I think it may be similar.

  3. In America it is called The Exit Exam and is taken in the Sophomore Year (10th grade or second year of High-School) It should be a Bid Deal but they are thinking of allowing kids to go ahead and graduate without having to pass it...which means our kids don't even have to have a BASIC education to graduate into the REAL WORLD where they will be completely unprepared! You Know the Republican "No Child Left Behind Act"!!! Such a SHAM! Frightening!

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