
In 50yrs time will we be referring to these days as the "Good Old Days"?

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You pick up a paper and a columnist is referring to the "good old days", you listen to parents/grand parents they refer to the "good old days". But were they?

Will we,with hindsight,refer to these times as the "good old days" or do we just expect too much for very little payback.




  1. Its normal to look back on you life and only remember happy times. Every generation does and you will probably do the same. I am 65 and was young in the 60's so I think of it as a carefree, happy time but no doubt there were lots of things which made me miserable but its the happy times that shine through.

    When I think back I had just come home from working for 2 years in the States and was trying to buy a flat but couldn't afford it. I went into rented property which ended up as a nightmare but my memories of those days are of the fun I had being back home with all my friends.

  2. Oooooh I _very_ much doubt it. [shrugs]

  3. No, I don't think we'll be calling these the "good ole days." I believe the "good ole days" will continue to be the 40s, 50s, 60s, and I believe they're gone for good.

  4. Yes you will, because little by little, your rights are being taken away, and 50 years from now these days will seem like paradise.

    I remember:

    No required helmets

    No seat belts.

    Gas for 32 cents a gallon

    Getting a trophy for winning, not trophies for everyone. (If everyone gets a trophy, why try?)

    Having my Mom home every day after school

    Getting spanked for doing something wrong without the police coming to the house to arrest my Dad.

    Learning math with my brain and not a computer.

    Reading books in school that are now banned.

    Shooting our BB guns in our backyard without S.W.A.T showing up.

    Learn how to fix things for ourselves.

    Riding our bikes into the wilderness anywhere we wanted.

    Getting in a fight in school without guns or knives and shaking hands after wards. (And not getting expelled).

    In school, you got the grade you deserved.

    You had to know reading, writing and arithmetic before you could graduate. You also had to take art, shop class, government, creative writing and many others before graduating.

    I could go on and on but I think you get the picture.

  5. Probably.modern life is a pile of shite,but it wont seem so  bad once we have space chaves and are crushed by renegade glaciers.  

  6. Yes I guess.  People are always comparing the days they have experienced with current days to ventilate their dissatisfaction. And because people are forgettable, they can't make sure that the old days were better than today, so they add their fantasy to them so that they look beautiful.

  7. No. I think the good old days are over forever. Unless... you move to a different country, to a different culture.

  8. No earlier generation has had this much access to global information as we have. So they could live in an ideal world and time in relative ignorance (which have now become the 'good old days'). I don't think our world can ever capture that lost innocence of earlier generations. WE SIMPLY KNOW TOO MUCH!  

  9. There is no question that social conditions and the quality of daily life in general are continuing to decay, steadily.  If the downtrend continues then DEFINITELY YES, the younger generations WILL see this as their equivalent of "the good old days".  

    If, on the other hand, the current negative trends are reversed, that would not occur - but I seriously doubt if that even COULD happen.  (I think the decline and fall of our culture may already BE past the point of no return.)  Values that have been discarded are unlikely to be salvaged from the socio/cultural trash-bin and restored to their former importamnce.  (I fear that too many have already been cremated and nothing is left of them but sad ashes.)

    And then there is the matter of individual age.  If I make it another 50 years, I will be 113!  I think that no matter WHAT social conditions may be in effect when I am 113, I would still prefer life at 63!

    On a slightly related note:

    Interestingly, I find this normally characteristic yearning for previous lifestyles to be conspicuous by its absence in popular fiction where an author or screenwriter creates a character that is supposed to be hundreds of years old.  I DID find this in one book (by an author named Barbara Hambly) and that's when I first realized it was missing in other literature and especially in movies and tv shows.  (Apologies to any authors whom I have not read who DO include this in their characterizations of multi-centurians.)

  10. well it depends on whether the future will get any better or not, if it does get worse yes these will be the good old days!


  11. There has never been a golden age.

  12. Hello,

    It is in our nature and yearnings to think that the grass is or was greener on the other side. Some ancient Greek and Roman poets wrote on this. Looking back to the past, we only tend to remember the good things rather than the bad. I'm glad the mind works that way to keep many of us sane. As always some things were better then but other things were worse.

    I grew up as a young child  in the Father Knows Best era where we seemed to be in an age of innocence but awful things that did happen from child abuse to family violence was kept under mums. Certainly the communities were more close knit and co-operative, as a 7 year old I went trick or treating etc by myself or with friends but on the other hand the likes of Tiger Woods would not have been allowed on a golf course other than as a caddie.

    I like this song by the Beatles about reminising on old times:


    Michael Kelly

  13. well world is going downhill so yes, unfortunately these probably will be the good old days!

    Ah, remember when knife crime was only on your doorstep and not in your house *sigh* those were the days!

    No, you can't have s*x! you should wait until you are 14 like i did in the good old days!


  14. No.

    If anything, we will look back on these times for they actually are.

    War, economic h**l, and an uneasy nation.

  15. Well, let's look into my crystal ball. In the next 50 years I foresee:


    Starvation and food riots

    Rising crime

    New diseases which spread like wildfire

    War, including use of nuclear weapons

    Global monetary inflation

    Problems due to genetic modifications

    So yes, by comparison these are definitely the good old days. Make the most of them while you can!

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