
In A Guy's Mind would you know?

by  |  earlier

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theres this guy i like and my friend went up to him and said do you know and him have made a lot of okward looks in the halls before that kinda just staring at each other.does he know or think i like nervous that he doesnt lik me back.




  1. Well, I am a "guy."  So I guess that qualifies me to answer the question.  If you are staring at him and he connects, eye to eye, then he knows you have something for him.  Now, if you have both been making awkward eyes at each other, I would say, something is going on between the both of you.  I am betting you are young and you don't know how to just tell somebody you like them.  At your age, I am betting, you are afraid of rejection or looking like an idiot or you are just plain shy as all get out.

    Number 1, you have nothing to loose by just going up to him and talking to him.  This is the best way to find out and it also is a definite way to find out.  I bet he doesn't bite, but he too may be shy.  So he is in the same boat you are and so you both are just looking, making eye contact and wishing somebody would be brave enough to speak up.

    Why don't YOU speak up?  Just go over there and say hi to him and start talking about something-anything.  See how he reacts. He could be really shy, but I bet it doesn't last long.  If he sorta runs away, give him more time, and then try it again.  Eventually, the barriers will break down.  He probalby will need to think about things for a day or two and decide if he has the bravery it takes to talk back to you.

    Remember, he is probably just as afraid of rejection, just as afraid to look like an idiot and just as shy as maybe YOU are.  Either way, one of you is going to have to speakup right?  Why not YOU taking a chance?

    Now, if it turns out he is not interested, SO WHAT?  There are about 1 million other elligible guys out there looking just for you!  So you haven't lost a thing.  Sure, you might feel bad for a little while, but you will get over it and move on.  It's all part of growing up!

  2. If you feel he doesn't like you back, ignore him!

  3. stop giving him strange looks and try smiling; otherwise he will get weirded out!

  4. From a guy's perspective:  if he is staring at you, or keeps looking at you, he MUST find you attractive, or at least interesting.

    Next time your eyes meet, smile at him, if he smiles back it is a sure thing.  A lot of guys are actually shy, so maybe you should take the initiative.

  5. yeah

  6. hi ,  my advice to u go to him and tell the truth i mean ur feelings about him ,if u really love him tell him coz the true love come just 1 time in our life  so tell him .i hope u all the best in ur life and good luck .

  7. well theres one way to find out.....just start talking to him and being friendly and nice to him.....he will know that you like him. If he doesnt respond to your kindness....then its his loss. Don't take it to heart and talk to someone else who will appreciate knowing you. Good luck, I hope he sees what a nice person you are I am sure.  :)

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