
In A gang..Parent Problem

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ok so i recently joined a gang my parents dont know they reason i joined is because my parents started fighting two days ago and they havent talked to each other they pretend to make me happy but i know theyre not happy.they stop talking to each other dont sleep in same bed always argue.and i know if they found out i was in a gang they would stop fighting and love each other again..not sure what to do tell them or let them handle their own problems




  1. This isn't going to make them love each other again. You're just putting more stress between them which might make them drift more apart from each other. Maybe your mom or dad is already planning on leaving all the troubles behind and you just put another one and one of them will definitely want to leave now. You should be helping them by putting less stress/trouble and giving them good news instead.

  2. Hmmm

    you need to get out of the gang.

    That is not going to help when you are dead.

    Whatever their problem is , its not you.

    Talk to your parents.

    Ask them if htey fight because of you?


    Being an adult can be hard.

    being in a gang is stupid.

  3. I don't know how to say this, but it's not your parents fault you joined a gang. Your parents arguing is not a legitimate reason to join a gang. COME ON!

    You should either get out of the gang, or tell them. And NO telling thm will not make the problems they have be fixed.

    Not trying to rude, but how old are you? I'm guessing 13 to 16?

  4. First of all joining a gang wont solve any of your problems . If any thing it just may create new ones .

    And for you to think that if they would all of a sudden start loving each other and be happy again just because you joined a gang is false hope on your part .

    Either way you need to let them handle this . This is an adults problem and you should not concern yourself with their problems .

    Concentrate on being a kid and your school work and forget this gang nonsense .

    As a parent I know that if and when your parents do find out about this gang that you are in , they will not be happy .

    Best wishes .  

  5. So in the period of 2 days of them fighting it made you that depressed that you wanted to join a gang to make them stop fighting...that sounds like it would just make them more upset

  6. i don't think they would stop fighting and love each other if they found out you were in a gang.  i think they would be worried about you and get madder at each other.  but keeping a secret from them is really bad.  it'll get worse and worse each day.  so i suggest that you tell them because you shouldn't keep a secret from them.  they're your parents and they have the right to know.

  7. that isn't the smartest thing u could have done...

  8. wake up-you being in a gang is stupid in the first place-if your parents found out you were in a gang- i highly doubt that they will just stop fightning-all this will do is cause more fightning due to the situation you are putting your life in and your family's life in. Gangs do not care if your parents are you parents they will hurt them just like they are capable of hurting you. Be a mature person and either sit down witrh your parents' individually and tell them what is bothering you-or get them together work together as a family to try to resolve the issues

  9. Sorry but I have to disagree with your argument.  Fact is that your gang affiliation may actually make things worse between your parents (as they may start putting the blame on each other for your involvement.)  It would be much wiser and probably safer for you to act as a mature young person and sit down with your parents and let them know how their behaviour is affecting you.  Ask if maybe the three of you could attend some form of family counseling and attempt to make things better.  Let them both know that you love them each and do not nor will not take sides.  But to belong to a gang in order to get your folks loving each other again is a bit of a stretch.  You sound to this old man like a pretty smart young person who is grasping at any strings to try and bring back happy family times.  And although it is not your position to act as the adult in this situation it will certainly not do any harm of showing your folks that you understand that things aren't going well at present but that you are there for them and would go for any form of counseling if they wanted.  Best of luck.

  10. Sweety, joining a gang is the worst thing you could do at this time. I know your emotionally in pain because your family is fighting, but what happens if something happens to you. Gangs are violent and very dangerous. Parents are human beings and go through a lot and sometimes don't know how it's affecting the children. Sometimes our families don't stay together but please know that they love you very much and still will be your parents. Please don't fault or punish yourself because it's only going to wear you down and lower your self-esteem, which it has. Get out of the gang immediately because you are putting yourself in harms way. You need to sit down with your parents and express your feelings and explain it truthfully. Don't be afraid. Your parents have no idea of how this is affecting you and you need to let them know immediately. Also please don't shy away from the idea of getting counseling because your dealing with an emotional time and a very sensitive issue. You can't really fix your parents issues with each other because sometimes it's adult issues with them. Don't feel your the cause of anything, your not Sunshine. This is such a hard situation and we all want our parents to stay together and be happy. But sometimes it can't be prevented. Joining a gang, or doing something to your self isn't making your situation better. It's adding to more stress for yourself.

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