
In Adobe Photoshop, does dodge and burn redden/alter color?

by  |  earlier

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I've noticed while using Adobe Photoshop, that the dodge and burn tools don't just lighten and darken, but they alter the color somehow. I noticed this because it's apparently impossible to darken using burn, and then lighten it back to the original color.

I use work-arounds now, involving brush modes and/or layers, but I'm curious to learn more about this odd unwanted effect and what it does to saturation and hue and such. I'd find out myself, but I'm away from my own computer at the moment :(

If you know something about this give me some details! I'll understand or lookup any terminology you use.




  1. I've noticed that the color does seem to alter slightly if working with a pic with an overall bad exposure, is extremely dark or light all over.  Esp if there is a reddish tint to begin with, like from low lighting in a room with warm toned walls.  I was trying to lighten some shadows in an entranceway photo for a real estate ad and the pic was very red hued.  I used my other tools first (levels, hue and saturation, etc) first, but once I tried to use dodge and burn in some very heavily shadowed areas to lighten and then define since I lost some of the hard angles.  I got a very strange, almost magenta color in the most darkest areas.  I ended up starting over and adjusting my color balance first.  That is probably a rookie mistake, but I'm not a veteran by any means.  Anyway, I don't know if it is an Adobe glitch, CS2 & CS3 have quite a few bugs and glitches, or if it is an issue with the dominant hue in of the original photo.  I don't think I really answered your question, but at least you know you're not the only one with the problem!

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