
In Adobe flash CS3, what should i do?

by  |  earlier

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Whenever I try to Preview a small part of my movie. I press "play" and when i press "stop" the audio keeps going! it's driving me nuts! I'm trying to sync mouth movements and i need to get sounds one at a time! PLEASE HELP ME!!!




  1. what you have to do is:

    hit enter to play the movie, then when you looked at what you want to look at, press cntrl and enter to test movie, then close our movie window, it stops the sound,

    its an annoying process i know, but the only way i know,

  2. I do not no the answer sorry to bum you out :[

    But HOW DID YOU INSTALL ADOBE CS3!!! OMG UR SO LUCKY!! IT COMES  up with an error whhenever i download it...  :o

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