
In Alaska is there wolves every were in the state?

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I,m moving there in 5 months I want to know are there places to avoid wolves or are there every were in the state. If there a place were wolves don,t go please tell me.




  1. I am a long time Alaskan hunter and trapper.  Thanks to 7 tours of duty with the military all over Alaska and 10 years as an Advanced EMT doing Bush Rescue there isn't a square mile here I have not flown over, hunted, trapped, fished, worked, or been stuck, stranded or crashed a plane on.

    There is no record of a wolf ever attacking a human in Alaska, Canada and North America.  Fact. You would be attacked by a neighbor's pit bull or other dog 1,000 times before a wolf ever gave you a second glance.  Let alone acted threatning to you.   Wolves, coyote, fox and most other animals like black bears and brown bears have an ingrained fear of humans.  They will usually run at the first confirmation a human is about.

    There are records of fox that have contracted rabbies and trying to bite people - that's about as far as it goes for the cannines in Alaska.

    As a general rules wolves avoid people and will have nothing to do with us - unless it is winter and food is scarce.  Then they may sneak into town and pick off a dog or two.  But never a human.

    You can find wolves all over Alaska except for islands.  The best time to spot one from the road when driving is early morning at sunrise fall to Spring.  If you are driving between Anchorage, Fairbanks, Tok and GlennAllen it's not uncommon to see fox, coyote or a wolf or two checking the roads at sunrise for an easy meal of that nights road kill.

    Momma bears with cubs are the big issue in the woods.  Next would be bears that are sick - bad teeth, old, or lame and not able to feed themselves properly like most all others - these emanciapated animals would consider attacking a human as a very last resort for survival.

    Feel free to email me if you have questions.  I am a certified Alaskan hunter safety instructor and be happy to help separate fact and fiction for Alaska.

  2. stay where you are

  3. I dont think so there are bears and moose but that pretty much it ill be moving to alaska next year.

  4. fo sho   get a gun sucka

  5. where there arent wolves, there are bears.  where there aren't bears, there are moose, where there aren't moose, there are crazy freaking gang bangers.... get my drift?  there are dangers everywhere. if you live in anchorage, the only thing you should really worry about is other people.  other cities, i would carry a gun with me just in case.

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