
In America (or any other country you know about) is it legal to undertake- e.g. overtake on the slow lane?

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In America (or any other country you know about) is it legal to undertake- e.g. overtake on the slow lane?




  1. dont think is illegal to go slow in passing lane in some places...i pass a lot of dopes doing 60/65 in fast lane...

  2. Yes, legal (in Australia) to overtake on the left when vehicle ahead is turning right.

    You're not allowed to undertake unless you're an undertaker and conduct funerals.

  3. it is legal to overtake by using the slow lane, if the other driver is traveling at a slower pace in the fast long as you are within the speed limit. on the autobon you can only use the fast lane to pass, other than that, you must drive in the right lane. lane tickets there, cost 3 to 5 thousand dollars.

  4. America is different from other countries, in that the individual states write and enforce their own traffic laws, as long as they don't interfere with Federal law.  Most states have laws that make it illegal to pass on the right, but these laws are normally not enforced on multiple lane roadways.

  5. I've looked this up in many states' laws, and each one says pretty much the same thing: As long as the road is designed for two or more lanes of traffic moving in the same direction, passing on the right (slow lane) is perfectly legal.

    Passing on the right is illegal if you leave the roadway to do so, i.e. drive on the shoulder, use a lane specifically marked for right turns only, on a two-lane road, or any other area marked "no passing."

    That's how I deal with left lane slowpokes on multiple-lane roads. Rather than dangerously (and illegally) tailgating them, I'll simply pass on the right and be on my way.

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