
In American comedies....?

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Why do they always make silly clicky sounds when refering to African people sometimes.

If I cannot say "ching chong china" to a Chinese person cause it's an insult, why then do they do that?




  1. Two words that don't belong in the same sentence, American and comedy.

  2. because it's a stereotype and the entire point of comedy is to point out and make fun of the stereotypes and show how stupid they are!  

  3. Well, do you see Americans doing this or is it only in the movies? You cannot go around saying that becuse you are not in the Movie. The "American Comedies" also make fun of "Ching Chong China" as you say. So, to answer you question, you cannot do it because there is a difference between Movies and Reality.

  4. lighten up!  

  5. It's a stereotype and a way of generalizing.  It seems funny because it is such a different language that the english they speak.  Is it right?  No.

  6. they are mimicking the sounds heard in some languages/ways of talking. Its a thin line between insulting and funny. I actually didnt like it when south park used these sounds depicting a black character.  Mind you my Ukranian girlfriend always mimicks my English accent - and i have to laugh!  "ching chong china" does make the person saying it seemed rather stupid though!  

  7. They're making fun of a very specific tribe that communicates with various clicks. And yeah it's not right. But I don't hear it that often anymore.

  8. It's Hottentot. It's not exactly mocking the people as much as the language(similar to if they were making fun of English slang, without really mocking English people as a group at the same time).

  9. i don't know. it supposed to be some imaginary tribal language but i dont know why they do it. it very well could be insulting. but that is what a lot of comedy is about. A good portion of american comedy is making fun of something or someone for something. and sometimes it's funny. not everyone will think every joke is funny. I doubt I'd find African humor very funny but I think black people making fun of white people is pretty funny

  10. It's a stereotype of what they think tribal languages sound like.

    I have heard it said that the sound of Americans speaking English sounds like barking dogs.  

  11. that's the media!  

  12. What on earth do you mean?

  13. Because the dialect of the African American is way too hard for Americans to do. So instead sounds are made. American also make sounds for the dialect of the chinese because we can't speak their language.

  14. It's because whenever they make movies with African people in them, they are always making those sounds, with some other African person translating it.


  15. I'm say they always sometimes???!!!  Is it even possible to always sometimes do something LOL!  Okay I'm just teasing.

    Its just politically incorrect, they are thinking about that Movie "The Gods Must Be Crazy"  where they showed people that spoke that language.  To us it just sound like clicking but it is an actual language.  It no better or no worse then some of the other c**p that is on TV these days, but I must say I don't know what American comedies you are referring to.

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