
In Anky's Freestyle Dressage routine...?

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Was the little flip of the heels outward that Salinero did intentional? Is it a dressage movement, or was it a fault?

Just wondering, thanks!

The thing I'm talking about is at 5:54 here:




  1. It isn't any dressage movement that I know of. Looking at the video you posted, it appears to be that he might have stepped on himself on his hind legs, got frustrated and then kicked out a little bit. :)

    Edit: Allice, seriously.. People like you are the reason Dressage riders are considered "s****. sour competitors and losers". Learn to be a good sports-person. Really =\ Could you do better? Probably not. :)

  2. First of all....AHA DRESSAGE PEOPLE ON ANSWERS! How few of us there are....Alas! Anky van Grunsven is not a perfect rider contrary to popular belief and does make the occasional fault. I personally hate her style of riding, I find it too tense and unnatural looking. Also, the judges favor her and her annoying roll kur-ing self. If you notice how the other riders ride (their style) you will see that their movements are more fluid and less forced. Steffen Peters is a perfect example of that. SO yes, Anky van Grunsven did have a fault there (yesss).


    Haha giving me bad ratings for voicing my opinions? Well, that isn't prudent, is it? Seeing as how this is america and we happen to have freedom of speech, it isnt advisable to be punishing people (in example by giving them bad ratings) for expressing what they believe. Don't they promote that, or is this a comunist country where propoganda is spread about free countries?

  3. it looks like he messed up his foot placement (i'll leave the blame placing to the sourpusses.. lol) so he kicked out like an "o darnit!"  like if a horse bucks after a fence if he brushed it..

    but off topic, to solstice (sp?) and Allice.  I agree with both of you, i don't like Anky's style of riding, its forced and not what dressage SHOULD be.. but its what its become.  And i agree its nice to see her mess up JUST a little, since all of her horses are SO submissive and not proper, its nice to see a little life in them..

    but i agree with allice that it could have been said nicer..

  4. I honestly didn't notice it, i'm guessing it was such a minor fault-he could have stumbled, but would have also still been penilised for this.

    This horse clearly played up-but its was spooked by something or someone.

    Its not always the horses fault for mucking up, the horse may have tripped, or been spooked, those flags can easily spook a horse they have in the olympics.

  5. Salinero did a small buck in the first instance--looked like perhaps frustration or perhaps over-exuberance--he's known for being a showman! The other I frankly couldn't tell. He definately didn't spook at something-those faults are usually in front. Most probably it was a mis-communication between horse and rider--when you ride dressage at that level, the tiniest error of body weight, position, leg position, finger on the rein, even the inclination of your head--it all means something to the horse. They are so sensitive and so tuned in to you.  If Mrs. Von Gruvsen was just the least bit off in her lower body, she could have caused the miscue.

  6. Looked like he stepped on himself.  Not a very fluid performance, canter looked odd.  Flying lead changes - oucha jab of a cue.  Poor kid was doing his best for her.

    Agree with Ann.

  7. Nope, that wasn't intentional!  I don't know about anyone else, but personally I didn't like Anky's routine at all.  She looked so stiff and hollow and my lower back hurt just LOOKING at her.  I had my non-horseperson boyfriend watch the routine too, just to make sure it wasn't me.  He said the same thing, and asked, "Why does it look like she's holding onto the horse's head so tight?"  I don't care if she's a world champ...I don't EVER want to look like that when I ride, even if it means never progressing past training level!

    Steffan Peters, on the other hand, was the very picture of fluidity.  He makes it looks so easy.  To me, that is what dressage should look like.  Not that I profess to be an expert!

  8. It was a fault. Salinero lost his balance and had to do that little flip thing in order to gain his balance back. Either that or he stepped funny and there lost his balance. Either way, it was a fault and not intentional.

    Edit: Okay, um, Allice, yes Anky is very tense in her positioning on Salinero, but if you notice, when she rides on Bonfire (as seen here: ) she is much more fluent in her riding. Salinero is a very exposive horse and has alot of energy in him. He bolted at the World Equestrian Games back in 2006. It could be that she has developed this position on Salinero because she is afraid that he will bolt again. Before the WEG, she actually looks fluid. That's my opinion, and the judges must like her as a rider because she's won nine World Cups and three Olympic Gold medals in the individual competition. But I will agree with you on Steffen Peters, he is a fantastic rider and really flows with his horse. It's such a shame that he got robbed in the freestyle in Hong Kong, his freestyle was so much better than anyone elses. And that's all I've got to say about that.

  9. I'm no dressage expert but to me it looks like a small fault...I don't know though, just my opinion! :)

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