
In Army Boot Camp, what time of the day do you get to take a shower & how long do you get?

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In Army Boot Camp, what time of the day do you get to take a shower & how long do you get?




  1. They say that in the Army

    The Chow is mighty fine

    A biscuit rolled off the table

    And killed a friend of mine

    Some folks don't like my preview of Army Basic! Don't think it has changed too awful much since Dino Days, I even throw in a little butt extra charge

    It might go a little like this:

    Up before the sun. 0430

    30 minutes max for the 3 S's ($h!t, shower, shave) sometimes the shower is the night before.


    A little PT: Daily Dozen and Singing “Up in the morning with the rising sun, were gonna run till the running is done” while double timing a mile



    Draw weapons if going to range


    Double time to training site




    More PT Drill Sargent We Eat This $h!t Up

    Double time back to barracks

    Stack weapons

    Post guards


    Clean weapons if drawn

    Have weapon inspected

    Turn in weapon

    Formation maybe maybe not

    1 hour of your time....maybe

    GI boots

    GI area

    Mass Attack on Showers or wait till morning

    Write mommy

    Lights out 2100

    Coma time


    Keep the pie hole shut and listen.

    Think out your's the not appear that you were not paying attention!!!

    Do not point at food and ask WTF is that:

    If it is a green looking meat like substance that is "Mystery meat". Chow down it's very good for you!

    If it looks like lumpy burnt oatmeal it's SOS.

    If the SOS is poured over a hockey puck...that is a biscuit!

    If it is yellow and dry it is cake. Just stick it in a glass of milk, it will be fine.

    If it is brown and poured over rice it is chili.....maybe...could be gravy made from left over bacon grease.

    You think it will make you fat???

    NO PROBLEM! I will just PT you until your legs are wore off to the knee's and your arms to the elbow!!!


    WELL ARE WE???


    Close enough anyway!

    SSG US Army 73-82

  2. A Typical Day in Basic

    5 a.m. - Wake up

    5:30 a.m. - Physical Training

    6:30 a.m. - Breakfast

    7:00 a.m. -Personal hygiene

    8:00 a.m  - Formation

    8:30 a.m. - Training

    Noon - Lunch

    1 p.m. - Training

    5 p.m. - Dinner

    6 p.m. - Drill Sergeant Time

    8:30 p.m. - Personal Time( Shower,write, blah blah blah)

    9:00-9:30 p.m. - Lights Out

  3. you get it around 8:00 and you get about three'll get used to it and it will stay with you long after you are done in the Army


    good times

    and good luck to you!

  4. You already have the wrong concerns.  You should be asking about the training, your daily schedule, your mission, what challenges you will face in accomplishing your duties, etc...

    As one of the best fighting forces in the world and most flexible, showers should be the lowest on the list of your worries.

    I actually was sponsoring a SSG going to the Middle East, and all he was worried about was the size of matresses for his bedsheets, and if he could bring his fishing poles!  Truly sad...

  5. When I went through showers were done at night. Typically you have a few minutes to get in, get out. 60 man platoon, 3 showers, 3 mins each = 60 minutes of time which is about all you have a night.

    Morning isn't really possible. As one of my drill sergeants told us:

    "We can't wake you up until 530 because that would be cheating you of your sleep time. So first formation is at 530, you do the math"

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