
In Australia, Career: child services field: Do chinese get employment (common)?

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I want to study child services education in Australia. The certificate in child services -aims to prepare one to work with children aged 0-7 years, babies, parents.

The career opportunities would be: Nursery assistant, parent and toddler group assistant, mother's help, pre-school assistant.

(1) I am Chinese (female), have anyone ever seen Chinese being employed in the above fields?

(2) If yes, is it common or rare?

(3) what post do chinese employees normally hold (what post title) in childcare field?

(4) I am nearly 40, do you think they will hire me?

(5) The Aussie parents like or dislike seeing Chinese working with their children?

(6) Any discrimination against Chinese in this field?

(7) Any difficulties for a Chinese to work in this field?

(8)Children accept a different nationality person to work with them?

(9) Do I have prospect in this field?




  1. (1) I am Chinese (female), have anyone ever seen Chinese being employed in the above fields?

    I'm in Australia one centre I worked with a Chinese lady and she was fantastic with the children.

    Where I work currently there are about 5 different staff who are of Asian descent, along with staff from different parts of the world.

    (2) If yes, is it common or rare?

    In my experience it is common to work with people from China or anywhere else overseas.

    (3) what post do chinese employees normally hold (what post title) in childcare field?

    From my experience, they have worked as child care workers. One Chinese staff member was a "floater" who went between rooms.

    (4) I am nearly 40, do you think they will hire me?

    Yes. Child care centres always need staff. You won't have a problem getting a job if you have a good work ethic and treat the children and fellow staff with kindness and respect.

    (5) The Aussie parents like or dislike seeing Chinese working with their children?

    I haven't seen any parents reacting badly to a Chinese staff member. I did once hear that a parent who was known to be difficult did talk quite rudely to a Thai staff member at my work though.

    (6) Any discrimination against Chinese in this field?


    (7) Any difficulties for a Chinese to work in this field?


    (8)Children accept a different nationality person to work with them?

    Yes. In my previous job, the Chinese staff member got along spectacularly with all the children. Particularly those children with special needs (eg. Autism).

    (9) Do I have prospect in this field?

    Yes, definitely.

    Good luck

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