
In Australian schools do they have periods?

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Like, 1st, 2nd, 3thrd, and so on? If not, what do they have?

Please give detail and easy to understand!


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  1. Australian High Schools do this. Primary (Elementary) schools do not.

  2. only in high school

    at my school there are 6 periods a day

    each period is like approx 50 mins long

    we mostly have double periods which are 2 periods for one subjetc(100mins) eg. monday periods 1/2 i have Chemisry periods 3/4 i have english and periods 5/6 i have maths

    only on fridays do we have all of our subjects as fridays we all ahve single periods ( eg i have LOTE,RE,Study,English,Chem and Maths)


  3. yep. 6 periods a day.

    school starts at 8:30

    period 1, 2, (45 min lunch break), 3, 4, (15 min lunch break), 5, 6. ends at 3:00

  4. ill just back up the other answers, they do have periods, generally either 5 or 6. However, often primary doesn't have periods, as they have the same teacher and there are no set subjects.

  5. In Australian Primary Schools (Elementary) they don't but in Australian Secondaries (High school) they do. At my High School we have 6 periods in a day and each go for 45minutes. We have snack between periods 2 & 3 and lunch between periods 4 & 5. Our school starts at 8:30 AM and finishes at 2:55 PM. All secondary schools vary. In Primary school, school starts at 9:00 Am and finishes at 3:30 PM. The day is broken up into different activities so from 9 30 to 10 30 you could be doing maths and from 2 00 to 2 30 you could be doing english, it varies every day depending on what the teacher has planned. Lunch and snack are at specific times.

  6. Just the girls.

  7. yes, but they vary between the different states and between public and private schools

  8. yes. all schools have different formats though. primary schools do as well, they generally just have the same teacher

  9. i don't know it

  10. Not in primary school but in high school ya do!

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