
In BJJ, who's the best male and female Gracie of them all? One that is still alive.?

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Not by strength and/or speed, but by BJJ technique.




  1. In terms of technique, most would probably say Rickson Gracie, given his legendary status and the reports by various high level grapplers of his skill. However, he hasn't had the chance to prove that to the extent of more recent fighters, because the competitive opportunities weren't available in his prime (e.g., Mundials, ADCC).

    In terms of accomplishments in BJJ competitions, then I think I can say without bias my instructor Roger Gracie has to top the list, with more titles than any of his relatives (though the Mundials have only been around since 1996, so that's not entirely fair on Rickson and his generation). Royler and Renzo have impressive records too, but not on Roger's level of dominance (though they certainly have more MMA success than he currently does, but he's only just started: 2-0 at the moment).

    In terms of female, I don't think there are any other notable female Gracies actively competing except for Kyra. Just because I haven't heard of them doesn't mean they aren't out there, of course.

    You could also check Gracie Magazine: they did a series a while ago where a panel of BJJ experts debated who could claim the title of best fighter for each decade. It broke down like this (in terms of Gracies):

    1970s: Rolls (deceased)

    1980s: Rickson

    1990s: Royler

  2. 3rd generation Gracies are the best right now because they are in their prime or close to it. That would be Ryron, Rener, and Ralek. There are also others.

    All time I'm going with Rickson, Rorion, and Relson. Rolls was the man too, but he died young.

  3. I like Slidey's answer...

    I would vary it slightly, I think as far as technique Renzo has to be up there, mainly because of all the great BJJ players he has taught.

    Roger and Rickson have both done well in competetion, but the true test of someone's technique comes from how well you can pass that on, and Renzo has done a great job of that.

    If you ask the Gracies they would probably tell you Rickson is still number one... but Rickson is also one of the biggest, strongest, and most athletic. His BJJ has still been considered by those who have rolled with him to be amazing.

    Personally I still would go with Renzo simply based on the merits of his teaching.

    Honestly I don't think we have been exposed to too many of the women, so I think it goes to Kyra by default, not because she hasn't earned it though, she is obviously the best woman BJJ player out there period right now.


    In Response you asked for who had the best technique, how well you teach has everything to do with that. Keep in mind most teachers are former competetors themselves, just because you throw a younger better athlete in a ring against his teacher, doesn't mean the younger athlete has better technique.

    Going by TECHNIQUE alone the best teacher is going to have the best technique, especially one whose students are highly successful. There are a ton of great fighters, who can't necessarily teach and have successful students... they themselves were good either by having  ONE particular or a few Particular unstoppable techniques that suited them, and gave them an edge in competetion.

    That doesn't mean ALL around they are better technique wise, then the guy who can teach ALL techniques and produce students who are successful in BJJ using different techniques.

    By saying BJJ technique as a whole... you would probably in reality have to with Carlos Gracie Jr. (Carlinhos) in actuality... since he has taught the Machados, Renzo, Roger, Ryan, Kyra, Ralph...

    I mean in reality he has to have the best technique, because he has taught some of the Best BJJ players in the world all they know...

  4. It would have to be Jimbo Gracie for the Guys and Shaquana Gracie is the best female.

  5. Kyra gracie and Rickson gracie

  6. Rickson is Way better than Royce

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