
In Basketball, which way do i go off a jump ball?

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When my team gets the jump ball, and i get it, which way do i go? The way my team is facing, or the other way? I just started basket ball, and I don't know what to do!




  1. You go the way your team is facing.  Good luck with your team!

  2. Depends on who gets the ball....

    I don't know if they still do it in college....but in the NBA or WNBA if your fighting over the rock you will jump for it at that end of the floor.  All basketball games start with jumping for the ball at the begginnig and the beginning of overtime.

    Know which basket is yours so if your team don't get the rock you have to play defense at there basket.

    If jumping for the basketball you always face the basket your scoring towards

  3. i dont think your supposed to jump

  4. You go this way ------->

    Anyways, usually the coaches or someone would be telling everyone which baskets will be theirs.  It should be clear before the jump ball.

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